
yoel k.

Software Engineer based in Seattle.


Microsoft Corporation

Software Engineer I (L59-L60)

Oct 2021-Jan 2024  Redmond, WA

  • Analyzed, diagnosed, and root-cause'd a web view JavaScript runtime memory leak impacting Power Apps running on memory-constrained devices.

  • Developed a custom logger module for Java and Objective-C designed for React Native-enabled mobile applications.

  • Spearheaded the migration of Power Apps's JavaScript engine from JavaScriptCore to Hermes on the iOS platform.

  • Regularly listened, discussed, and conferred knowledge with VIP customers on questions, concerns, and status on reported bugs, live site incidents, and issues.

TypeScriptReact NativeObjective-CJavaSwiftAndroidiOS

Software Engineer Intern

May-Aug 2021  Remote

  • Created a proof-of-concept web app to showcase the potential business impact of modernizing the tech stack of Microsoft’s marketing sites.

  • Demoed and advocated for the modernized tech stack to multiple audiences (leadership, design, dev). Resulted in the efforts getting greenlit for production.

TypeScriptReactTailwind CSSGraphQLNext.jsAzure

Explore Intern

May-Aug 2020  Remote

  • Designed and developed a global theming system for the Power Apps mobile app for iOS and Android, enabling switching between Light, Dark, and System Default modes while in runtime with minimal refactoring.

  • Worked closely with the UI Design Team to implement themes in accordance with design and accessibility specifications.

TypeScriptReact Native

Google LLC

Engineering Practicum Intern

May-Aug 2019  Sunnyvale, CA

  • Built a consumer-facing feature enabling users to receive, edit, and save phone contacts sent over MMS in the Google Voice Android app.

  • Utilized Google's internal Android concurrency framework to free up the main UI thread while parsing contact information payload.


External link to downloadable PDF resumé.